Bearr’s Den Studio is an indie game developer based out of New Jersey. Bearr's Den Studio designs 2D click to move action RPG games. Some games Bearr’s Den Studio has developed are Purgatory: 2D action RPG based on Dante’s Inferno, Baron’s Quest: 2D Action-Adventure, Sanctuary: a class-based Action RPG, and H.U.M.B.L.E.D. P.U.N.I.S.H.M.E.N.T: a 2d Bullet Hell RPG.

Bearr's den studio deisgns

Bearr's Den Studios style guide.

Bearr’s Den Studio came to us for a logo and brand design to help promote the independent developer. The studio wanted a bear as a logo. The design drew inspiration from the types of games the studio enjoys playing and building. Games ranging from Diablo, Warcraft, Dragon age and Elder Scrolls.

profile avatars

Bear logo, grey hexagon pattern with an outline and a tan background of Bearr's Den Studio's.
Grey bear logo, grey hexagon pattern with an outline and a tan background of Bearr's Den Studio's.
Grey bear logo and tan background of Bearr's Den Studio's.
Grey bear logo, grey hexagon pattern with an outline and a tan background of Bearr's Den Studio's.

social banner

Bearr's Den Studios social media banner.

Bear Head Logo

Bear head logo from Bearr's Den Studio's

Bear Head Logo White

White version of the bear head logo from Bearr's Den Studio's

Secondary Logo

Secondary logo of Bearr's Den Studio's

Secondary Logo White

White version of the secondary logo of Bearr's Den Studio's


Wordmark of bearr's Den Studio's

Wordmark White

White wordmark of Bearr's Den Studios.
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